I Can’t Cook, But I’ll Take Some Sticks and Jerky

Stop. Hold it right there. Yes, you. You who uttered the words, “I can’t cook.” Step back, check yourself, and recognize  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO COOK TO ENJOY A BEEF DINNER.

Ask yourself these questions:

1) Do I like to eat good food?

2) Do I want to eat whole foods that are better for me and my family?

Yes? Good. Then ask yourself this:

Self, Do I own a slow cooker (aka crockpot)?

Wait. Why did she just call a crockpot a slow cooker? Well, Crock Pot is a brand. And if you want to buy that brand, go for it. I haven’t met a crockpot I didn’t like yet. I just don’t own a Crock Pot brand slow cooker.

If you answered yes, GOOD. Let’s get started.

If you answered no, I recommend this one. Buy it. Preferably from a local store where it’s on sale or you can use a coupon. Then you’re ready to get started.

If you have not “cooked” using a slow cooker in the past, you have not really lived. I got through college cooking with a slow cooker. And if I don’t stop talking about it and give you some recipes to get you started, you never will! GEEZ!

Here are some recipes. They come with instructions. They will help you make really wholesome meals for your family, even if you do not “cook.” You can do it. I have faith!

(I like when you buy my sticks and jerky. I do! But here’s the thing: They are SNACKS. They are not meal substitutes. Make yourself a wholesome meal! Your taste buds will thank you, and me.)

Betty Crocker’s Beef Stroganoff

Food Network’s Slow Cooker Pot Roast

Family Fresh Meals Beef Stew

Southern Living’s Slow Cooker Beef Tacos

Damn Delicious’s Slow Cooker Korean Beef

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